Spotlight Day

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Spotlight Day - Let’s get your work DONE!

What are you dreaming of accomplishing related to your podcast if you could just find the time to do it?!

Well, be encouraged - I may have the answer to your problems (or at least that one…)!

I’ve had more than a few conversations with potential clients who:

  • had a pressing project, or

  • were interested in learning a specific skill to get their show started - or keep from crashing due to burnout, or

  • weren’t interested in ongoing management services but just needed a hand, feedback, or a co-working day on their show…

So I created this service specifically for them.

And this might be for you, too!

I’m now offering a limited amount of what I call “Spotlight Days”, where I work intensively with you on YOUR agenda. Take a look at some of the possibilities of what we could accomplish (below), but I’m open to exploring whatever it is you might need.

We start the day on a Zoom call, and then we work - at times together and other times separately - for the remainder of the day (or two).

Whatever it takes to “git ‘er done!”

We work and focus on your project, your show, and your needs, for the entire time!

Some examples of what we can accomplish:

  • brainstorm a year’s worth of content

  • create outlines for 3-6 months’ worth of weekly episodes

  • freshen up your podcast artwork

  • create some Pinterest templates for your podcast - and set up an account for your show while we’re at it

  • create a customized workflow so that you can be more productive

  • learn the basics of show editing using Garageband or Hindenburg

  • learn how to (legit) use AI/ChatGPT to maximize productivity

  • establish a social media calendar

  • fine-tune your audience and find your “perfect customer”

  • explore monetization ideas and put a plan in place

How does it work?

 It all begins with a free discovery call.

We’ll talk about what it is you’re looking for and discuss the scope of your project. If it looks like things are a go (this isn’t a fit for everybody), we’ll go ahead and schedule a day and get things going. You and I may have some pre-work to do in order to maximize our time together. (And you will almost certainly have some “homework” during the process - but it’ll be a LOT more fun than writing that memo your boss asked you for!)

 How much does it cost?

It totally depends on what you want to accomplish. And I only have a limited amount of days available each month.

So if this idea interests you…your next step is to reach out NOW and let’s start a convo!

Let's get started