Capsule Podcast

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A capsule podcast might be just what your business needs!

Capsule [kap-suhl, -sool, -syool] podcast [pod-kast, kahst]: noun

A limited amount of episodes - usually 4-6 - that can be used in a variety of ways:

  • a freebie…

  • a calling card…

  • an example of your speaking or teaching methodology…

  • a mini-course…

  • a resource or reference for your audience…

  • a behind-the-scenes view of your business…

  • how will YOU use it?

Let's Talk!

Build your business…

Jennifer used it as a mini-teaching and an example of her speaking style.

Pat's expertise made me look and sound like a professional. Now I'm serving family caregivers through a four-episode podcast capsule on several different listening platforms…” - Suzette Katopodes, Caregiver Strong podcast

Let's talk about this

Serve your audience.

Suzette used it to develop a much-needed resource for family caregivers.

Let's do this


The ROI keeps on returning…

To create up to 6 episodes, you’ll get:

  • 30-60 minutes discussing your podcast strategy

  • creating show graphics (3 options/2 revisions)

  • complete audio and content editing

  • writing search-engine-optimized (SEO) podcast descriptions and show notes

  • uploading and scheduling episodes

Your reputation demands a high-quality production.

Book a time with me TODAY and let’s start a conversation…

yes - let's talk